Archive for the ‘Mishichistim Mossrim’ Category

Did You Notice…That Mishechistim Mosrim…

October 19, 2011

The following demonstrates why the time of convincing is over and only defeating the Meshichist Mossrim will lead us to true peace.

Did You Notice… that when Meshichistim Mossrim are accused with acts of violence, Mesira, animalistic et behavior etc… their retort (defense, excuse and justification) will always be…”but you guys -or they- are ALSO violent”, “but you guys  are also Mossrim” etc…

You know someones on the losing end when he/she has to use the “ALSO” as a defense.  They might as well just use the “I know you are but what am I” line.


WIS Knows Who Stole Your Stuff?

October 11, 2011

Menachem Mendel Hendels little useful idiots

Boy  is WIS glad Collive was the one that bought THIS subject up.

The night before Collive posted the above op-ed a long time Crown Heights resident related the following to me.

This photo has nothing to do with the subject matter

I was shopping in a store on Kingston Ave. when I noticed a young man with a Yechi Kippa entering the store. I recognized the young man from the few times I went to the Shomrim Six trial. This young man came to court (as a friend to the so called “victims”) quite a few times. I decided to stake him out. I noticed him taking some sushi, he then sat down, eat and when finished simply (without even cleaning up) got up and left.

I approached the owner of the store and  pointed out what I had just witnessed. The owner asked me if the Theft had a Yechi Kippa which I replied yes. The owner then said “if he had a Yechi Kippa then I don’t want to do anything, these kids steal all the time, if I say or do anything they will come riot at the store and I don’t want that”.

Another group of Mishichistim were sitting at a nearby table noticed what had just taken place (the conversation between myself and the store owner), so they also just got up and left (in middle of their meal) without paying”

The owner then pointed and complained, “see, they all do this everyday, what can I do?”

The previous owner of Empire Grill went out of business because Mishichist Tzfati Mossrim would come there almost nightly to party without pay. The Shmira Mesira would follow in the same manner.

WIS is sure that many businesses when making their accounting’s at the end of the mouth will find big losses.


WEEK OF TERROR: Beatings and Thefts by Tzfatis

October 9, 2011

A portion of the video capturing the mattress thefts which took place on Sunday.

A Bochur walking home late at night was attacked from behind, a towel wrapped around his head so that he could not see his attackers, kicked and punched to the moment he felt that he was surely going to die. A group of four walks into a dorm where guests are staying and steal mattresses, quilts and pillows. A Maggid Shiur gets interrupted in 770 then shoved around and bullied. This was but a handful of incidents perpetrated by a band of Tzfatis last week.


One Phone Call To Save Six Jews

September 27, 2011

After much investigating over these past few years especially since after the Shomrim Six blood libel, I have concluded that the Mesira could have ended with ONE SIMPLE PHONE CALL.

There are four people in Crown Heights who could have made that ONE PHONE CALL and stopped a vicious blood libel on six of our brothers, a blood libel that could have landed them in jail for over fifteen years if G-d forbid a random jury of 12 strangers would have found them guilty, that ONE PHONE CALL was NEVER  MADE.

Those four people were approached to help, they either claimed they can’t do anything or they laughed it off. Those that could have done something and chose not to, are guilty of “Do not stand idly by the blood of your neighbor/brother.”.



Meshichistim Mossrim Out!!!

September 24, 2011

Good News: The Meshichist Mossrim Gaboim of Congregation Lubavitch – 770, received  an eviction notice. The notice was addressed to the Gaboim and to the corporation known as “Congregation Lubavitch”, and demanded they evacuate the premises withing 10 days. Otherwise they face yet another court case.

The notice was signed by Rabbi Avraham Shemtov and Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky who represent Agudas Chassidei Chabad and Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch respectively.


AGAIN: Bochur Beaten in 770 by Mishichist Tzfatis Mossrim

July 15, 2011

Schneur Pugatch (inset), on the background of past Mishichist Tzfati violence. Illustration Photo.

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — A Bochur was beaten yesterday in 770 while davening Shacharis by a Tzfati bochur. He was grabbed by his ear and slapped across the face, while others just watched and did not intervene. Hanholo refused to comment or take action.

The assailant was identified as Schneur Pugatch, a graduate of the Mishechist Yeshiva in Tzfat, who had returned on Wednesday from a trip to India.


AGAIN: Bochur Beaten in 770 by Tzfatis

July 15, 2011


Schneur Pugatch (inset), on the background of past Tzfati violence. Illustration Photo.

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — A Bochur was beaten yesterday in 770 while davening Shacharis by a Tzfati Bochur. He was grabbed by his ear and slapped across the face, while others just watched and did not intervene. Hanholo refuses to comment or take action.

The assailant was identified as Schneur Pugatch, a graduate of the Mishechist Yeshiva in Tzfat, who had returned on Wednesday from a trip to India


Menachem Mendel Hendel Above and Beyond

June 26, 2011

by WhoIsShmira?

274 Kingston Ave. Brooklyn, NY: The Premises, designated as a student dormitory shall be used and maintained as a student dormitory.

Regarding: 274 – 276 Kingston Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11206
Cross Street(s): Eastern Parkway and Lincoln Place

Chaired by:
Menachem Mendel Hendel (a.k.a. Mendy or Mendel Hendel).

City Zoning laws for the above location is maximum three floors so how is it that Mendel Hendel was allowed to construct a building of five floors?


Mishechistim Mossrim Terrorize Shliach in 770 – Steal His Teffilin + Exclusive Photo Revealed

June 15, 2011

Mishichistim Mossrim throwing holy books and benches in 770 Eastern Parkway

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — A Shliach was the victim of Tzfati terror while in 770, after much verbal harassment his Tallis and Tefillin were stolen.

The incident occurred yesterday, Tuesday, in downstairs 770 where a group of Tzfatis, who are in Kevutzeh, began harassing the Shliach. The Bochurim were upset over the Shliach encroaching on ‘their own’ mushrooms territory.


Dispute Over Messiah Goes to Court

June 12, 2011

By Alessia Pirolo – The Brooklyn Ink

A prayer in the Court of Justice during a break of the trial against six members of the Jewish Patrol Shomrim. Photo: Pirolo/BrooklynInk

Six members of the Orthodox Jewish patrol Shomrim were back in the Brooklyn Supreme Court yesterday, on trial for allegedly attacking yeshiva students in Crown Heights two years ago.

But among the spectators were those from the ultra-Orthodox community who believed that it was one of their victims who instead should have been on trial – for making his accusation public.


Menachem Mendel Hendel: Traveling First Class

June 2, 2011

Free meals, three times daily in first class


Chaired by: Menachem Mendel Hendel (a.k.a. Mendy or Mendel Hendel)

In 2002 Mr. Hendel filed a total of $6,574 in travel fees.

In 2003 Mr. Hendel filed a total of $43,546 in travel fees.


$93,258,00 In Legal Fees?

May 29, 2011

By WhoIsShmira?


Chaired by: Menachem Mendel Hendel (a.k.a. Mendy or Mendel Hendel)

In 2009 Mr. Hendel filed a total of $50,195 in legal fees.

In 2008 Mr. Hendel filed a total of $13,000 in legal fees.

In 2007 Mr. Hendel filled a total of $661.00 in legal fees.

In 2006 Mr. Hendel filed a total of $29,402 in legal fees.

Total Amount in [filed] legal fees over the years $93,258.00


Crown Heights Fire Burns In New Square

May 29, 2011

By WhoIsShmira?

Regarding: New Square Dissident Burned by Attacker

NS Victim’s Family Shouted Down at Press Conference

Skverer Rebbi Will Not Condemn The Violence & Will Not Wish the Victim Well

The terrible situation in New Square in reminiscent of the terrible situation in Crown Heights.


Expose: Menachem Mendel Hendel – Introduction

May 23, 2011

by WhoIsShmira?

(L-R) Menachem Mendel Hendel and Chanina Sperlin

Full Name: Menachem Mendel Hendel
a.k.a. Mendy or Mendel Hendel

Married: Yes
Children: Lots of them
Occupation: None

Known Organizations operated by Hendel:

744 Eastern Pkwy
Brooklyn, NY 11213

Year Founded: 2001

2009 End of year filing: $5,239,808


No filing needed for a Congregation.

WIS has recently became aware that Menachem Mendle Hendel is unlawfully using a non-for-profit corporation for personal finances and money laundering.  Mr. Menachem Mendel Hendel runs and chairs his own Non-For-Profits (above).


Op-Ed: “The View of Some Was Imposed On Others”

May 23, 2011

In an open letter Rabbi Pesach Schmerling, a Shliach in Far Rockaway, writes how despite declarations that the Lag B’omer Parade was to be held with unity, he along with a group of others felt the contrary.

I read with interest the letter by the Lag B’omer Parade Committee, in which they state that the parade will be held in the spirit of unity, and that they should be allowed to conduct the parade in the manner they see fit, as only this would ensure that all of the Rebbe’s Chassidim will spend Lag B’omer in the spirit of achdus.

I, as one of the Rebbe’s Chassidim, together with a group of about fifty men, women and children affiliated with our Chabad House, did not feel that spirit of unity at all. Unfortunately, the view of some was imposed on others (through means of terror and blackmailing as became known now).

It isn’t a secret anymore that there are two groups in Lubavitch (in general, each of these is subdivided into various sub groups), those who say “yechi” and those who don’t.

To claim that for the sake of unity and achdus the view of some should be imposed on everyone is an insult to our intelligence. Everyone knows that “bimkom sofek shev v’al taasse odif”, when in doubt keep the status quo. Everyone who feels the need to say Yechi after the 12 Pesukim could have done that in their seats. To impose that on all by announcing it (three times!) on the microphone is an act of arrogance, the very opposite of Achdus, and not befitting the day of Lag B’omer at all. It is an example of “lo nohagu kavod zeh bazeh”!

That this Chilul Hashem was done by official Mosdos (Merkos, NCFJE, Tzivos Hashem) only adds insult to injury. I wonder how they will write their Du”ch to the Rebbe after such a disgrace to the name of Lubavitch.

May we be zoche to have true Achdus in Lubavitch, and then we will truly be zoche to “borchenu ovinu” and to the Geulah NOW!

Rabbi Pesach Schmerling
Chabad of Far Rockaway